Forum WordPress bbPress & BuddyPress Forum WordPress Theme
Forum WordPress theme for online community. Creative and outstanding, this theme dramatically improves one of the most important parts of brand recognition, attention and confidence. Every page and detail is polished, with excellent colors selection, consistency, clear typography and usability. It extracts bbPress and BuddyPress features and delivers it in a better form. Let users register on your site and start creating profiles, posting messages, making connections, creating and interacting in groups and much more.
The Forum theme is the perfect choice if you want to create a community or social network specifically designed to make the most out of BuddyPress and has also totally redesigned bbPress so it now looks like a traditional forum.
After registering and refilling your points balance you need to go to the product page and click Download for x points and Download button one by one. After that the download will start automatically via a direct link.
Please note, our site has a point system and we don't have any hidden or recurring fees, so you are purchasing the current version of the digital product without the option of a free update. If you need a product updates in the future, you can create ticket request update (not free update)
If you need help, please read the answers to popular questions on this page first: To get any other help on the product you can create a support ticket on the site: in the main menu user.
All digital products are purchased without the possibility of free updates or support update. We do not provide any license keys or product support.Please first read the FAQ on this page:
Please note, our site has a point system and we don't have any hidden or recurring fees, so you are purchasing the current version of the digital product without the option of a free update. If you need a product updates in the future, you can always download them using your point balance.
Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You buy the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products downloaded from other sites.
You can download the product after the purchase by a direct link on this page.